
5. My future job

  I would like to have a job where nobody makes me feel less than other person, when the form that you work, and your knowledge was things to recognize your abilities and possibilities. I imagine it with people of all ages, nationalities, and social classes. Also, I really would love that my job demanded travels and trips around de country or the world, because I love to travel. In case of the salary, I really believe that money doesn’t not give us happiness but is not possible deny that salary it is important to have a great life (because of food and things like that). So, I really care about the salary, moreover, if I work in an international company, I will deserve a great pay ha-ha. About the major that I’m thinking of taking, sincerely it is a social science: pedagogy. Teaching things is so important and satisfying to me, and in that line, I want to be an apport to the society. Maybe I will take a university pedagogy program that allows me to bring my forestry knowledge to t


  I know I’m gay since the day I have love feelings for other persons. Telling this to everybody it was not a trouble to me, because my family always has been particularly LGBTIQH+ friendly, so… I went with my friends, and it was normal (it is now too). When I graduated from school, me and my mom started to received people in our home. People who were in danger in their homes because of their sexual orientation, gender identity, or something like that. In that period, for example, we met so many trans people who had survived to sexual violence, occupational discrimination or most terrible: hate attacks. And that was the trend. In this line, I had the idea of learning about Sexually Transmitted Diseases and its prevention. I went to different places where I learned all I know today about it, and I was so grateful! I started my “militancy” on this theme doing things in many places. To say the least, we go to cinemas, the malls, and other places to give condoms and information to the pe

4. My profession (or what i think about it haha)

  I do not remember about my dreamwork when I was a child. I think that I was more interested in playing and eating, hahaha. I loved to spend time with my friends, and the nature. When I grow up, I graduate from high school, so, I had to think about my future. Even if I didn’t give my 100% at school, I get a great score at PSU. That afforded me to sign up at San Sebastian’s University, at Dentistry. There, I studied for 3 years. In 2017, I studied to be an Obstetrician. But! Hahaha… I leaved it too. Since the last year (2020) until today, I study to be a Forestry Engineer, because I realize that I love the nature!, I really enjoy outdooring, and go to National Parks and everywhere where I can breath and feel the power of the wind and pure air. I like the sound of waterfalls and rivers too. But most of all, because I truly want  to be a person who cares about the environment with complete tools and technical knowledge. This time, my classes did not be like it been at my last careers. Fo

2. My best holidays ever!

I never had the possibility to travel out of Chile. I grown up believing this. But when I spent like 2 years with my boyfriend, he received a call from México City. The motive: he’s a ballet dancer and got an invitation to dance there. Of course, I went with him! Ha-ha. So, this year, we go to Cancun in august for 10 days (after that, he goes to work). We did a lot of things! We spent like 3 days walking across de downtown. For that part of the trip, we stayed in a hostel called Selina. We meet so many people there, from Europe, Asia and even Africa. We get good party friends, in fact, we went to hotel line to a bar called “Todo a $1”. After those 3 days, we stayed at Catalonia Costa Mujeres Resort, near Cancun, at the Riviera Maya. In that place we had our best days ever! The food was amazing, the attention and the bedrooms, OMG. The place was gorgeous, and the food… simply perfect. And with all included, we could eat and drank whatever we wanted! That’s the reason why this holida

1. A country I would like to visit (again)

I don’t have a “favorite” country, but not long time ago (August) I travel to México with mi boyfriend. So, I can say that México is my favorite known country. We take our holidays there with my partner, Jean, because he has a dancer job there. About México, I recognize some of their famous artists, like Frida Kahlo, or rancheras singers that I listened when I was a little boy. If I come back, I would like to travel the country, go to Acapulco, or Cancún again. We miss a lot of tourist’s attractions because we have few days to be there in Cancún, for example. I would love take baths on those great, beautiful, and hot beaches. Also, I like so much the weather! I don’t want to live or study in México, but definitely I would work there, maybe in the coast, with the tourist, on a hostel, or something like that.  That may allow me to meet people from many different countries, and I love that.